Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Untungnya kita ada ALLAH...

Segala puji hanya untukMU Ya ALLAH..
I am nothing without YOU Ya RABB..

Salam everyone,

Let's start our day with smile like our Prophet s.a.w always do..

Subhanallah, betapa untungnya kita kerana kita punya ALLAH dalam hidup kita. Ada tempat untuk bergantung dan tempat untuk meletakkan segala pengharapan..Untungkan kita? tapi sayang... kadang kala 'kesempatan' untuk merasai untungnya kita itu sering kali kita lepaskan, dan kerap kalinya kita memilih untuk lebih mempercayai pergantungan pada manusia yang sangat lemah sama seperti diri kita. 

Wahai diri berpautlah dikau pada dahan yang sedia kukuh, janganlah engkau berpaut pada ranting yang rapuh. Ketika hatimu terasa berat dan tidak tahu kepada siapa harus mengadu, amat beruntunglah dirimu yang memiliki tuhan, yang percaya ada DIA yang Maha Kuat dan yang Maha Perkasa dan DIAlah satu-satunya tempat untuk kita bersandar dan meletakkan segala pengharapan. :)

"Cukuplah Allah bagiku, tidak ada tuhan selain DIA. Hanya kepadaNYA aku bertawakal dan DIA adalah tuhan yang memiliki Arasy yang Agung."

~ Surah At-Taubah : 129 ~

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How want to evaluate a company's external environment???

All praises to ALLAH s.w.t..

Assalamualaikum w.b.t to everyone, hopefully our life today is better than yesterday..

Thanks to Allah for giving me strength to update my blog and also share what i have learned in Strategic Management subject during a lecture session for today. I like the new topic that i have learned today. The topic is. . . . . . . . . . . . .hehehe

'EVALUATING A COMPANY'S EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT'... I think this is a great topic because i have learned this topic in another subject such as Marketing, Introduction to Business and many others in the previous semester. This topic more focusing on external environmental factors that should be considered by all companies. Why every company need focus on it??? It is because by knowing the certain factors of company such as internal and external factors, it able for company to make a plan of handling their production cost, competition, target and another things. This topic also touched six components in PESTEL analysis which are;
  1. Political factor
  2. Economic factors
  3. Social factors
  4. Technological factors
  5. Environmental factors 
  6. Legal/Regulatory factors

The purpose of using this analytical tools is to identify the external factors that will giving influence in business performance.

In briefly, another tools have been used which are related with this topic is Porter's Five Forces Analysis. It consists of five forces which are;
  1. Threat of New Entry
  2. Bargaining Power of Buyers/Customers
  3. Bargaining Power of Supplier
  4. Rivalry/Competitors
  5. Threat of Substitutes

This analysis also can be used by manager or marketer to evaluate a market potential and company performance especially for the future. By this analysis, a manager can be determined the weakness, strength, opportunity and threats of their company.

I think that's all for today that i can share with all of you...thanks for reading...:)


Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Nature of Strategic Management & Mission and Vision...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t...:)

Idea ohh idea..please come to me..hehe

Strategic Management, are starting ...
Ok, first of all i just want to tell about the topic that i learned last Monday. The main topics covered by my lecturer is 'The Nature of Strategic Management' and 'The Business Mission and Vision'. These topics can be categorized as introduction to Strategic Management subject. Both of topics is easy for me to understand because it just describes the basic things in this subject. For example, strategic planning which it is not only specific in business but also involve in all activities including our daily activities. Another things are covered is stages of Strategic Management which are strategy formulation, strategy implementation and strategy evaluation. This stages are important to know because we can manage all activities especially in business field to be more organized.

 Another topic is related with mission and vision in business. I think everything we do we need to put our mission and vision first. If not, it really hard for us to achieve what we you agree with me???

"A clear mission and vision we make today, it will produce a great success in the future..."

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Mana Milik Kita???

I like this song because the lyrics made me feel like i'm nothing..i am servant, servant to ALLAH S.W.T...

Mana milik kita, Tidak ada milik kita
Semua yang ada
Allah yang punya
Tidak ada kita punya
Kita hanya mengusahakan saja
Apa yang kita dapat
Allah sudah sediakannya
Kita Allah punya
Dunia ini ciptaan-Nya
Miliklah apa saja
Tidak terlepas dari ciptaan-Nya
Mana kita punya
Tidak ada kepunyaan kita
Kita hanya mengusahakan
Apa yang telah ada
Mengapa kita sombong
Memiliki Allah punya
Mengapa tidak malu
Kepada Allah yang empunya
Patut bersyukur kepada Allah
Yang memberi segalanya
Malulah kepada Allah
Kerana milik Ia punya
Janganlah berbangga
Apa yang ada pada kita
Kalau Allah tidak beri
Kita tidak punya apa-apa
Janganlah mengungkit
Mengungkit jasa kita
Jasa kita di sisi-Nya
Yang sebenarnya Allah punya
Marilah kita bersyukur
Bukan berbangga
Bersyukur kepada Allah
Bukan mengungkit jasa
Gunakanlah nikmat Allah itu
Untuk khidmat kepada-Nya
Selepas itu lupakan saja
Agar tidak mengungkit-ungkitnya...

~ By Rabbani ~

First Lecture & Highest Tower...

Assalamualaikum everyone...


    Hope all of you have a great day and may all of us always take every advantages that ALLAH s.w.t gives to us by giving benefits to others.


   There's nothing to story, just want to share my experience for the first lecture for Strategic Management subject. Before starting the lecture, seriously i feel very excited and nervous for want to know who the lecturers who will teach us for this subject.Wait, wait and still wait...Seriously nervous!!! fuhhh...My nervousness have disappeared after a few minutes she entered in lecture hall and introduce herself. She has a simple name to be called and remember, just call her Miss Ummi. Then i said to myself 'not bad, she looks cheerful' and really hope that i will enjoy to learn in her class until end of the semester. 


    For the first lecture, we got requested by lecturer to build a tower by using the newspaper and which group are successfully to build the highest tower will be the winner..It is interesting right???  Yeah..very interesting..and  i think that i have learn something from this activity. First, we cannot just only focus on how want to make a highest tower, but we need to handle our team to accomplish the task and second we must make a planning first then sketch and lastly build the is really fun even though the time given is limited. 


   Last but not least, my expectation for this subject is not too hard to understand and may be it also has already applied in daily life without i realizing...(^_^)



"Before we want to do something, the first thing we need to do is 'PLANNING'...Anything would not run well if there is not planning at first"

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Jom ubat hati...

     Kadang kala hati terasa keluh kesah,apa yang dibuat serba tak kena, apa yang diucap terasa salah belaka. Jom kita recheck bagaimana hubungan kita dengan ALLAH, bagaimana lisan yang digunakan dalam berbicara dengan makhluk2 ALLAH serta mengalunkan kalimah ALLAH.Jom sama-sama kita ubat hati kita yang telah lama kita kotorinya tanpa kita sedari...